…because I couldn’t think of a better title. This has been another uneventful week, aside from a lot of rain earlier in the week (and hoping those up north in the really bad stuff are staying safe!). Of course for me, rain means migraines, as my trigger seems to be falling barometric pressure. I’m thankful the rain let up midweek and was brief yesterday, so I felt better since then.
Almost every morning, my husband and I walk our dogs down the ridge line that bisects our property. Earlier this week (when it wasn’t raining), I saw that we already have daffodils coming up (there are a bunch of wild ones on our property). It’s normal for this area, though maybe on the early side even here, with the mild winter we’ve had. Still, seems remarkable to me because they don’t appear until a good month later in Ohio! Ohio is not a bad place, but we really love it here.

What I’ve Been Reading
I picked up a nonfiction book from the library on exercise and health, but soon realized it was written for people who don’t have my migraine and fatigue issues, so I stopped reading it. I’m also still reading the last fantasy novel in the big, box set I bought last summer, and really enjoying it. This one pulled me in right from page one, while most of the others took a chapter or two for me to get into. I want to take WMG’s”How to Study” online workshop to learn how to go back through this book and see how the author did it.
What I’ve Been Writing
My writing goal this week was to write 400 words a day, five days, for a total of just over 2,000 words. I met that, so yay! It was a bit of a challenge earlier in the week, and one day I got less than 300 words, but made up for that the other four days, so a win! Since it was a challenge, I want to ramp up slowly, so this week, I’m shooting for 450/day, for five days, and a total of 2250 words.
I did not quite meet my learning goal, as it turned out I had three more videos in the Week 3 lessons, not just one. I did complete those and the assignment, and got about halfway through the week 4 videos. My goal this week is to complete Week 4, with a bonus to begin the Week 5 videos. Before doing the bonus, I also need to do my monthly reading/learning about copyright. In any case, I’m ahead of schedule on my workshops, as my goal is to do two of these 6-week courses this Round.
What about you–how has your week been? Any signs of spring yet where you are? And how have you been doing on whatever goals you may be working on, whether writing or otherwise? I’d love to hear from you–please share in the comments!