Last night, I drove my daughter and her boyfriend to prom. To prom. I can’t believe it! It seems so cliche to say, but it really does seem like only yesterday she was six pounds, thirteen ounces, in my arms. And now she’s sixteen, and going to prom.
I drove them their in our ’70 Bonneville convertible, which my husband bought and restored almost 20 years ago, and finished just in time for our wedding. Normally he would have had the honor of being the chauffeur, but he had to work. I’ve only driven it once or twice, and that was before our daughter was born. Like writing new material when you haven’t for a long time, it was scary at first, but by the time I pulled out of our street, no worries!

Isn't she lovely? Oh, the car, too...
Both driving that car, and sending my daughter off to her junior prom, were new beginnings of sorts – which brings me to this week’s ROW80 check-in.
I’ve finished the How to Write a Series workshop, one of my primary goals. I’ve also completed the print publication of Time’s Fugitive, another of my major goals. So now it’s time to move on to my other goals, one of which is planning my next book. I’m going to jump back into Holly Lisle’s How to Think Sideways workshop with this one, so I’m going to modify the goal to reflect that. But it’s really the same – still about planning the book.
Here’s the rest of the skinny:
- Upload Time’s Fugitive print book to Lightning Source – Done! Proof received and approved, and coming to an e-retailer near you!
- Complete Lesson 4 of How to Write a Series (which will finish the workshop) – Done!
- Cover for Hangar 18: Legacy – Done! Cover reveal coming soon!
- Write two guest blogs I’ve promised people – got one of them done, still need to email it to the blogger
- Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts – still not there, but better – 3 intervals, 1 short workout done
- Track exercise and consumption – still only about halfway there
- BONUS: Develop list of things I can tweet about my books – No
- BONUS: Write content for author newsletter – No
Overall goal progress:
- Release Time’s Fugitive, in both ebook and print – Done!
- Complete Holly Lisle’s How to Write a Series workshop – Done!
- How to Think Sideways workshop – complete through Lesson 8 (1-4 done previously)
- Release Hangar 18: Legacy – OR – release Times Two (Time’s Enemy/Time’s Fugitive box set) as an ebook – Cover design for Hangar 18 done! Also got some great feedback from first beta reader – thank you, Carey!
- Bonus: Both of the above – on hold until other goals accomplished
- Complete Lesson 5 of How to Think Sideways
- Develop Book Info sheet for Hangar 18: Legacy and follow up with other beta readers
- Write guest blog I promised, and email the written one to the blogger
- Three interval workouts and two shorter workouts
- Track exercise and consumption
- BONUS: Develop list of things I can tweet about my books
- BONUS: Write content for author newsletter
I’d love to hear from you! Have you started anything new this week? How are you doing in this round of ROW80 – or if you’re not a writer, or not doing the ROW, for this spring?