This week’s ROW80 goals were a mixed bag. I’d forgotten to take into consideration that my RWA chapter was having a long workshop on Saturday, so that cut into my goal time. I also missed a workout, but that’s not bad. Here’s how it went:
- Format and upload Home for the Holidays anthology if all materials are received – I got the last story and sent out to the authors to review. Didn’t get that back until Friday night, but I still managed to get the ebook formatting done. Didn’t upload, but that’s because I decided to wait until the print version was up, so I’m going to consider this one Done.
- Physical activity 5x this week – Not quite – but I got 4x in.
- Hangar 18 – re-order scenes (this was probably the biggest revision), and print out for markup – Done!
- Get it Together exercises 13 & 14 – No
- I also got some more outlining done on a “just for me” project that I may write for NaNoWriMo
Here are my overall goals for this round:
- Format and release OVRWA holiday story anthology – moving along!
- Revise Hangar 18 – revisions/markup started
- Keep up with my exercise, five times a week. – ongoing
- Finish the Get It Together exercises (description of that here) – completed sections 3 – 12
For this week, I’d like to:
- Format Home for the Holidays print book, and if proof received, OK and upload ebooks.
- Physical activity 5x this week
- Hangar 18 – review and markup Chapters 1-3
- Get it Together exercises 13 & 14
If you’re participating in ROW80, how are you doing so far?