There are plenty of them to make in the spring, especially when it’s my first on our rural land. In the suburbs, where we lived before, there is much less diversity among the trees and plants, and few wildflowers in cultivated lawns. On our land here, I discover something new each week. We walk our dogs each morning. I note the leaf shapes and growth pattern on trees, or the color and shape of wildflowers, then look them up in some handy, online field guides when we get back from our walk. This week, I identified some small trees with big, boat-shaped leaves as Shellbark Hickory, and some little, lavender wildflowers that just started blooming as Lyre-leaf Sage.

My husband has also continued work on the house, and finished up the porch posts yesterday.

What I’ve Been Reading
I am really enjoying the novel I’m currently reading, but I didn’t finish it yet, so I’ll share it next week.
What I’ve Been Writing
My discovery there was that one of my characters revealed that he’s been previously married. So, as is typical of a romance hero, he’s not looking for another relationship. And as is also typical of a romance hero, he’ll of course find that life has other ideas. 😀
I met my writing goals this week, and spent at least 1/2 hour five days working back through my WIP and making fixes and changes. I added about 1300 words in the process. This has been working well, so I’ll stick with the same goal this week.
I also met my learning goal of finishing one more week in my online workshop. So this week, the goal is to finish Week 5. I also want to spend a little time reading and learning something about copyright.
What about you–have you discovered anything interesting recently? What kinds of trees and flowers do you notice near where you live? And how are you doing on whatever goals you might have, whether writing-related or otherwise? Please share in the comments – I’d love to hear from you!