A few weeks ago, WANA friend Jansen Schmidt honored me with the Sunshine Award, so it’s time I picked it up! This one made the rounds about a year ago, but most of the questions have changed, so I’m game! Jansen gave it to me “because she rides a Harley and she’s really cool.” Ironically, my husband’s out on his Harley on a day trip, but I declined going, as I’m still recovering from the Crud and didn’t think I could hack spending 5 hours on my bike. I’m feeling OK, just tired, and riding does wear one out, believe it or not.
Anyway, the Sunshine Award comes with a set of written rules and is best enjoyed when sharing with others. If you choose to play along, and I encourage you to do so, the rules of the Sunshine Award are:
- Include the award’s logo (and rules) in a post on your blog. Simply cut and paste the photo to the right into your own blog post.
- Link to the person who nominated you.
- Answer the 10 questions below with your answers instead of mine.
- Pass the award on to a bunch of “Sunshine Inspiring” bloggers. The rules say 10 people, but choose however many you’d like.
Here are the questions:
Favorite Color: Red – of course! It’s the best color for Camaros. 😀

Our turtle Sanddollar on her basking platform
Favorite Animal: Last time I said gerbils, though I had a hard time choosing because I love animals. So this time, I’ll say turtles, especially ours when she swims up to me acting all excited. 🙂 They have been around for such a long time, and they’re so impervious to many threats. Yet they’re also sweet and cute – at least ours is!
Favorite Number: 9 – that was on the list last time, and like last time, I don’t know why. But it always has been.
Favorite Non Alcoholic Drink: Mountain Dew! I know it’s awful for you – full of sugar! – so I limit myself to one a day. But if I don’t get that one, I get cranky, so my family knows not to drink the last can!
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: lately, I’ve been partial to Leinenkugel Summer Shandy.
Facebook or Twitter: Like Jansen, I’m not fond of social media and consider it a necessary evil. But if I have to choose… well, brevity is not my strong point, and I have yet to figure out how to make friends in 140-character snippets, so let’s go with Facebook.
Passions: Reading, writing, local history, Camaros, web programming (my day job).
Prefer Getting or Giving Gifts: It depends. If I know of something that someone will really enjoy, especially if it’s something they wouldn’t get for themselves, I love to give that gift. OTOH, if I can think of something I really want, but can’t quite justify buying (or doing) for myself, I love it when someone gets it (or does it) for me.
Favorite City: Dayton, Ohio. I’m a hometown girl! I was reading up on some history of another nearby city yesterday, and couldn’t believe how uninteresting it was in comparison. There were no famous inventors from that city, which seemed odd to me.
Favorite TV Show: This was tough, because I don’t watch much TV, but when there are new episodes on, I love Duck Dynasty! Those guys make me LOL every time. Can’t wait ’til the beards are back on August 14!
Here’s a video from my favorite episode, “Redneck Roadtrip,” aka “Vietnam Special”: (about 3 minutes)
And now, I’m going to weasel out on nominating others for the award. For starters, Jansen named several that I would also pick! But really, I’d have a hard time choosing from those who comment here and encourage me, because each of those comments means a lot to me, so I’d hate to pick some, but not others! So if you’d like to play along, go ahead and consider yourself nominated, and spread the sunshine around!
And now for my ROW80 update: last week, I kept the goals simple. I ended up exceeding on one of them, and totally crapping out on the other. Here’s the scoop:
- Continue brainstorming/outlining for SS Book 3 – I got a lot done here, and even started writing a bit!
- Initial cover art for friend who’s going to beta read – um, no (sorry, Jim!)
I still need to do a good bit more planning on the book, and since I didn’t get the cover done, the goals will remain the same for this week. Basically the problem with the second was that I got so involved with the first, I forgot about the rest!
What about you – have you ever been so wrapped up with one priority that you’ve forgotten everything else? How about that Sunshine Award – if you don’t want to take it up, maybe you’d like to answer one of those questions in the comments? Inquiring minds want to know, and I’d love to hear from you – please share!