I did not get much writing done this week. But I think I have a good excuse:
Her name is Isis. She’s 7-1/2 weeks old, and she came home Thursday. Believe it or not, these pictures do not do her justice! It’s like having a live episode of Too Cute in our house, on continuous loop. The best thing is, our house once again feels like a home, after two months of being dogless. We had to put both of our babies down recently. In December, we learned our younger dog had advanced stage bone cancer. Our other dog was pushing 14 and broke her hip while out walking a couple months later). So our house has felt very empty for the past couple of months.
Now, I’m remembering how much constant supervision puppies this age require! Turn your head for a second, and she’s chewing something she shouldn’t, or pottying (even though we just had her outside). Good thing puppies also sleep a lot, and thank goodness for chew toys, too! Now if only she’d sleep more at night–it’s like having a baby in the house! She actually stayed in her crate for three hours this morning, which is a big improvement over the last two nights. So we’re making progress. My husband and I didn’t get much sleep the first two nights, but last night wasn’t bad.
I might’ve gotten a few hundred words written this past week. I did complete the website move, though, and the client was very happy to be able to cancel a hosting plan she no longer needed, and apply the unused money from that to renew her domain name.
Here’s hoping this week will be better. I’m still tired, but it’s not the debilitating level it was before, so maybe my supplements are helping. So my main goals are:
- Open the file and write what I can five times this week (I only did it twice this past week)
- Format a friend’s ebook (this is one of those barter jobs, and she’s been very patient!)
What about you–is there such a thing as too much cuteness? Have you dealt with any distractions lately? Got any puppy-sitting tips for me? Other pet stories are welcome, too, whether they’re your pets or someone else’s. Please share–I’d love to hear from you!