Moving along this week, slowly but surely! My husband put in our first garden bed, which is probably all we’ll do this year (keeping it small to start). We have four tomato plants, a cucumber, a zucchini, and a couple of peppers, with room for a couple more. We put in a hillside version of a raised bed, or I guess one could call it “semi-raised.” We have very little flat land here on our mountain, so this is a good way to work with the land, rather than against it.

This Easter is going to be… different. I guess that’s the best way to put it. Before we moved, we always had family over for Easter dinner. Now we are in Tennessee, and they are all in Ohio, and no one is getting together. We weren’t planning on doing so even before the Stay Home orders came down, but still it will be strange, the first holiday spent here in Tennessee with just my husband. We’re still doing the traditional dinner, though simplified a bit.
What I’ve Been Reading
I still haven’t finished a book! Maybe this one’s longer than the last few, or maybe I’m spending less time reading, though it doesn’t feel that way. I definitely make time for a little reading every day. Several of my commenters last week remarked that they were having trouble focusing on reading–maybe I am too?
What I’ve Been Writing
My goal this week was to spend 1/2 hour on my writing six days, collecting my notes, doing some outlining, and getting back to the WIP. I only hit it five days, but otherwise, did everything planned, so I’ll consider it “failing to success.” I also made my learning goal of doing one more week of the “How to Study” WMG Workshop online.
Since I am now going back to already-written parts of my WIP and making changes, it’s hard to quantify with something like word count (which may actually go down some days). So this week, I’ll stick to time-based, but commit to only five days, since I have a lot to do this week. I also want to do another week’s worth of videos and the assignment for my online workshop.
How about you–how is your Easter, if you celebrate? Or if not, how has your week been? Have you been finding it harder to focus on reading or writing, with all that’s going on? How are you doing on whatever goals you have, whether writing or otherwise? Please share in the comments–I love hearing from you!