For lack of a better title, that’s what this past week felt like. I’ve binged on several things this week, some good, some not so good, including:

Isis on April 25, 2014
Isis cuteness–of course! And throwing the ball to her, as always. To top it off, Facebook informed my husband on Saturday that it was one year ago that we brought Isis home.
We joined Costco and binged on spending money–though less than if we’d spent it elsewhere! Especially since most of what we spent was on new tires for my Camaro.
Headaches–rainy weather always brings them on for me. đ
Playing Clash of Clans, because it’s fun, and easier to do with a headache than write.
Tastes like the Ohio State Fair! That would be Fire and Ice Cheescake at Frisch’s. It’s a piece of frozen cheesecake rolled in crushed cornflakes, deep fried, and drizzled with honey and chocolate. It’s right up there with deep fried Snickers and Oreos. See why one piece feels like a binge? Mmmmm….
Working on my website. Nothing to show here yet, since I work on my computer before uploading new stuff, but I did spend a good bit of time working on things to add based on the marketing workshop I signed up for last month. And I disabled the anti-spam plugin, as it was still blocking people whose comments I want! So you shouldn’t have any more problems if you try to comment, but if you do, please email me!
And yes, writing. It didn’t happen until today, but I wrote over 2,000 words to finish the scene I’ve been trying to get to for a good couple of weeks.
What I read this week: I started a novel near the beginning of the week, and I’m really enjoying it, but am less than halfway through, so I’ll discuss after I finish.
ROW80 update: I finished that scene, so I’ll call it a win! This week, I have one more new scene to write, so that’s my goal. Also want to do one more thing from my marketing tasks list.
What about you–have you binged on anything lately, good or bad? If you had the time and money, what would you like to binge on? I would love more writing days like today if I had the time! Do you think the Fire and Ice Cheesecake sounds good? How are you doing on whatever goals you might have, writing or otherwise? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!