I mentioned last week that our trip to France was disappointing in a way, because there was so much we didn’t get to see, including the big attraction museums. We were in Bayeux, and didn’t even get to see the Tapestry. But when one of my coworkers asked what was the best part of the trip, that was an easy answer. It’s also why we didn’t get to see much of the touristy stuff – no regrets here!

Cathedral de la Roche in Paris
Mostly we saw cathedrals. Anyone who’s been there knows how awe-inspiring these 12th century buildings are – especially when we consider that they were built without the benefit of computers or any power tools – everything was powered by man or beast! But hearing the kids SING in the cathedrals – wow! They are a talented bunch of kids to begin with, but with the accoustics and echoey qualities of those old buildings, it was absolutely amazing! They sang at the cathedrals in Chartres, Reims, Bayeux, and Cathedral de la Roche in Paris. They also did a couple of short impromptu songs at Mont St. Michel – and the lady who led our tour there was so enthralled with the kids that she drove over an hour that evening to see their whole concert in Bayeux.

Singing at the Cathedral in Reims
Here are a couple of short videos my roommate, my daughter’s friend’s mom, shot. They’re about a minute each. Hearing it on the computer doesn’t, of course, do it justice, but it does give a taste. Sorry for the sideways orientation – my friend took the videos with her iPhone in vertical position, but none of the players I’ve found enable me to rotate them!
[FMP width=”480″ height=”272″]http://jenpowell.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/IMG_0104.mov[/FMP]
[FMP width=”480″ height=”272″]http://jenpowell.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/IMG_0105.mov[/FMP]