WANA Wednesday is back, with three great reads just in time for the holidays!
Fantasy author Debra Kristi celebrates the release of her short story, “The Lonely Egg,” in the anthology Open Doors: Fractured Fairy Tales. By purchasing Fractured Fairy Tales, you’ll be giving too – all proceeds from copies purchased between now and December 20th will be donated to the Primary Children’s Hospital.
Fractured Fairy Tales is a whimsical collection of fairy tales. Ever wished to be like Sleeping Beauty so you could take a nap–for once? Isn’t it a bit annoying how the fairytale princes always get the girl, or how the three little pigs always beat the wolf?
Debra’s story, “The Lonely Egg,” is a new look at Humpty Dumpty. Sounds like fun, huh? More info at: http://debrakristi.wordpress.com/2012/12/01/fractured-fairy-tales/
Stacy Green’s romantic suspense novel, Into the Dark, was released last week. Into the Dark takes us into the two-hundred-mile labyrinth of dark storm drains beneath Las Vegas, where for a delusional stalker hides. He’ll go to any lengths to possess fragile, emotionally isolated Emilie Davis. To survive, Emilie will have to confront the secrets of her past she has kept locked away from everyone, including herself. She has nowhere to turn but to Nathan Madigan, the hostage negotiator who worked the robbery.
Nathan is haunted by his failure to protect a loved one fourteen years ago and has dedicated his life to saving others. Determined to catch the lunatic hunting Emilie, he finds himself losing his professional detachment. He fears history is about to repeat itself if he cannot protect Emilie from the Taker’s obsession. The police close in on the Taker’s identity as Nathan and Emilie grow closer to each other and to resolving the misery of their own pasts. At the height of The Taker’s madness, his attempt to replace someone he’s lost will either kill them all or set them free. Into the Dark has received some great reviews, and Stacy is having contest with two $25 Amazon gift cards as the prize! More info at: http://stacygreenauthor.com/2012/11/30/into-the-dark-is-available-now-is-it-the-next-big-thing/
There’s also a new historical romance from Renee Vincent newly released. In The Temperate Warrior, Gustaf Ræliksen lives by the blade of his sword. After avenging his father’s murder and reuniting with his family, he wants nothing more than to settle down and have sons of his own. Only one woman will do—a fiery redhead he saved from the spoils of war.
No longer forced to warm the beds of the men who’ve taken everything from her, Æsa has nothing to offer the noble warrior but her heart. When someone with a deep score to settle seeks revenge upon her, Gustaf’s world is torn asunder. He has but one vow—saving the woman he loves from the ignorant fool who dared to best the temperate warrior. More info at: http://www.reneevincent.com/2012/08/the-temperate-warrior.html
Quick ROW80 Update: I’ve finished the type-in to the latest revisions for Hangar 18: Legacy, have my editor lined up and ready to go, and have emailed my subject matter expert (on the military, not aliens) with a few final questions. He usually gets back to me pretty quickly, so I should get the book to my editor this week. Also, Christmas decorations are up! Shopping’s started, but there’s a good bit more to go. Yikes!
What is WANA? It stands for We Are Not Alone, a guide to blogging, social media and networking for authors by Kristen Lamb. It’s writers helping writers, whether or not we’ve taken the course, and proving that we really are not alone!

What about you? Do you like suspense novels? How about twisted fairy tales, and romance? If you are doing ROW80, how’s your week going so far? I’d love to hear from you!