If you’re starting to think about the holidays, and need some little gifts for the readers in your life, look no further! Home for the Holidays has a little something for everyone who’s a little romantic. This anthology of holiday stories is the work of six authors who are members of the Ohio Valley Chapter of Romance Writers of America – five of my In Real Life writer friends, and me!
The stories in the anthology run from sweet to poignant, darkness-tinged to comedic, but in each one, people find the hope of love, and joy in the holidays. Stories feature married couples and those newly-met, some whose lessons lie in the past, and even vampires… all of whom find happiness and peace when they come Home for the Holidays.
Becke Martin‘s “Coventry Arcade” is where Ben Whitaker is determined to get his beloved Lily the best gift very little money can buy in this homage to O. Henry’s classic story “The Gift of the Magi.”
In “The Holly and the Ivey” by Sandy Pennington, Jon thought bells would be ringing a merry tune when he did a surprise Christmas visit but it turned out to be a Ho! Ho! Oh, no! instead.
Aileen is frustrated when she has difficulties communicating with her mentally challenged brother. But Dr. Lew Bard shows her it’s really just a matter of “Speaking the Language,” by Ann Gregory.
There’s magic in threes in Becke Martin’s “Triple Trouble for Christmas Eve.” With her dying breath, the triplets’ mother predicted they’d all find true love by midnight on Christmas Eve. Too bad Mom didn’t specify which Christmas Eve.
In “Merry and Bright” by Ann Gregory, Alex and D’Vee discover that a cup of spicy tea and a pair of fine brown eyes can both be inspiring. The Christmas season is the perfect time to kindle friendships and create possibilities.
Aiden Flynn is no Superman, but he does have a secret identity. And he just might be able to save Christmas for one young boy and his hardworking mom in “Silver and Gold,” by Becke Martin.
Stacy McKitrick’s vampire Katarina thought she was drawn to the mortal who refused her gift of immortality 45 years ago, but on her “Last Christmas Visit,” she discovers the truth.
Christmas can be murder when a trip back in time pits Taylor Gressman against a murderous street gang, but through a new friendship, she learns the greatest gift is in the giving in “Time’s Holiday” by Jennette Marie Powell.
In “No More Resolutions” by Dakota James, Stella despises holidays. Now she has to find a husband for bosszilla, deal with a stripper pole in her house and work with Simon, the guy she loves to hate. Or does she?
Oh yeah, and I designed the cover and did all the formatting, for both the print and ebook. 😀
The anthology is available in both print and ebook at Amazon.com; and in ebook from Smashwords, Kobo Books, and Sony. Coming soon to Barnes & Noble and iTunes. All proceeds go directly to Ohio Valley Romance Writers of America, and help bring in educational programs for the whole chapter.
My story, “Time’s Holiday,” is also available as a standalone ebook for FREE! If you’ve thought about giving the Saturn Society series a try, this is a great way to see if it’s something you might like. Grab a copy of the ebook from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo Books, Sony or iTunes.
What about you? Do you like holiday stories? Know of any good new releases this week? Or what the heck, what are your reading now?
Quick ROW80 Update: This month, my main focus is my NaNoWriMo novel. My weekly goal is to write 1,500 words four weeknights, and 3,000 words each on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday through Tuesday, I’ve written 6,000 words, bringing my total to 12,346 – right on track. So far so good!
In other ROW80 news, I solved my dilemma with things that won’t go away from the to-do list. This was not intentional. But disappear they did. I use Cozi Organizer for this, and its Remove menu consists of 1. Delete checked items, 2. Delete everything on this list and 3. Delete this list (IMO there’s not much difference between 2 and 3, but there they are). Well, with a slip of the mouse, I clicked the second item when I meant to click the first. So boom! Those pesky things hanging around on my to-do list were gone! I decided not to worry about it, and reconstructed what I knew I needed for the week. Who knew it could be so easy? 😀
What is WANA? It stands for We Are Not Alone, a guide to blogging, social media and networking for authors by Kristen Lamb. It’s writers helping writers, whether or not we’ve taken the course, and proving that we really are not alone!

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