I have had one of those weeks where I’ve forgotten everything, it seems. I forgot two people’s birthdays–one of my best friends’ from college, and a relative who’s also a writing friend. (Still need to contact the relative… 😳 ) I forgot about Election Day, until Mr. Goodwrench reminded me of it the night before. Luckily, there wasn’t much on our ballot, so I read up on the items at work and stopped by the thankfully-deserted polls on the way home. I would have forgotten a get-together with former and current coworkers if one of them hadn’t texted me earlier that day. I would have forgotten to pick up my Market Day food order, if the coworker who runs it hadn’t mentioned it, and I hadn’t entered a reminder in my smartphone (thank you, Cozi!).
But one thing I haven’t forgotten is my writing. NaNoWriMo has gone well so far, though it’s been a push at times (and isn’t it supposed to be?). Maybe my brain’s so full of fictional people and events that they’re taking over the real world stuff? Or is it just the fact that I’m getting close to “a certain age?” Enquiring minds, you know…
Luckily, I did not forget my ROW80 check-in either, so here it is:
- 12,000 words on WIP – Done!
- Keep up with lessons and homework for Promotions workshop – Done!
- Refine layout of Shopping Cart page for family member’s web site – Partial–this ended up being more extensive than I thought, but I made good progress.
- Fitness 4 times, no matter how short – Partial (I got 3x in)
Since those are working for me, but still challenging, I”ll stick with the same goals this week. Oh, and add one more: A book cover design. This is for someone who’s not only a good friend, but also my Ideal Reader, so it’s a must. It’s also going to be a fun project, and she’s given me some excellent direction, so I’m looking forward to working on it.
What about you–do you find yourself forgetting things when one becomes more dominant in your life, or do you think it’s just age? If you’re doing ROW80 and/or NaNoWriMo, how are you doing? If you’re not, do you have other goals you’re working on, and how are those going? Please share–I’d love to hear from you!