The great thing about ROW80 (besides it being “the writing challenge that knows you have a life”) is the fact that it’s perfectly fine–encouraged, even–to change our goals when needed. After meeting with a writing friend to discuss my upcoming release, I’ve decided to do just that. Not with the stuff already in process, but with the later goals for this round.

Since Isis likes glasses so much, we figured she should try them on
But leading up to that: Monday was Dogs night at the ice cream shop, and Isis had been good, so she got her custard cup. Then after we got home, she chewed yet another pair of DH’s reading glasses! This is the sixth pair–good thing they’re cheap!
After that, it was a pretty quiet week until Thursday, when Traveling Daughter came home from Germany. What she was most looking forward to: unsweetened iced tea, and Mexican food. So the first place we went after picking her up at the airport was our local Mexican restaurant, which she greatly appreciated.
Friday was a take-it-easy day, especially since DH spent the weekend camping for the NASCAR race in Kentucky. Then on Saturday, my writing friend came over, kids and dog in tow. Our neighbors’ son moved, so Isis hasn’t had her friend over for a week. Yesterday, she got another play date with a new friend. My friend and I were so busy trying to corral dogs and kids that no one got any pictures. But not to worry, I got a photo after DH got home.
Between interruptions, my friend and I got some great brainstorming done. The result is that the next book I’ll be working on is a novella, to fill in some of the blanks between The Saturn Society Book 2 and Book 3.
What I read this week: Smith’s Monthly #10 by Dean Wesley Smith. I read the short stories and serial segments, and started the novel, which I’m really enjoying.
ROW80 update: My plans for this week were to finish assisting my publisher getting the updated versions of my books onto the retailers’ sites. That’s all done, except for Apple, which they are working on now. So I’ll consider that a win! The other part of my goal was to review the beta readers’ comments on the upcoming novel. Instead, I sussed out the interim novella, and began outlining it, hence the start of the change in goals noted above.
Which brings me to my overall goals for the quarter: instead of finishing the first draft of the next novel, I’ll be outlining and writing this novella. I don’t have a title for it yet, which bugs me, but I’ll come up with something. The other goals remain the same. I want to get the novella outlined before digging into revisions for the novel, as I might need to add a couple of references to the new novella. So the plan for this week is to keep working on getting Time’s Enemy available for free everywhere, and to finish the outline for the new novella. My Saturday will be busy, so I’ll do well to get those things done.
What about you–have your goals changed lately, whether or not you’re doing ROW80? Do you think those glasses are “it” for Isis? Have you read anything good lately? Please share in the comments–I’d love to hear from you!