Flags on Normandy Beach, France
Before my ROW80 update, I’d like to first observe that it’s Veterans’ Day in the United States, and take this time to thank those who have served (and are serving) in our armed forces. It’s because of their willingness to put their lives on the line for our country and what we stand for, that we have the freedoms we so easily take for granted today.
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As for ROW80, my solution for dealing with the to-do list worked wonderfully. In case you missed it, details here. Stupidly simple! (Uhhh… and stupid too, but nevermind).
NaNoWriMo progress is on track, and I remembered a few other, non-ROW80 things on my list that needed to be done, and they got done. As far as my other ROW80 goals, weeeelllllll… I’m going to cite poor planning as my excuse for not getting to my revisions on Hangar 18. I had an RWA chapter meeting and workshop all afternoon today, and guests for dinner afterward – which is when I would have done this. However, the workshop was fantastic and sooooo worth it. That’s one thing I love about writing – there’s always something new to learn. And my husband and I had a fun evening with our friends.
Here’s my progress for this past week:
- 12,000 words on NaNoWriMo novel, to a total of 18,000 words or more – Done!
- Physical activity 5x this week – partial – got in 3x.
- Hangar 18 – review and markup Chapters 10-11 – No.
Here are my overall goals for this round:
- Format and release OVRWA holiday story anthology – Done and soon to be released!
- Revise Hangar 18 – revisions/markup moving along nicely
- Keep up with my exercise, five times a week – ongoing
- Win NaNoWriMo – on track with 18,175 words so far!
- 12,000 more words on NaNoWriMo novel, bringing its total up to 18,000
- Physical activity 5x this week
- Hangar 18 – review and markup Chapters 10 & 11
If you’re participating in ROW80, how are you doing so far? Are you doing NaNoWriMo? If so, look me up and let’s be writing buddies! And either way, how are you doing with whatever goals you may have made?